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In those photographic turns, the deferred snapshots transform into silent guardians, bridging the gap between the initiation and culmination of a project. Despite their slips, these images reveal their essence as the foundations that underpin the definitive concept. Scaffolding that supports the construction of ideas, where authenticity emerges from unfocused motives, from hesitant traces in unstable focuses.
The names are intended to grant each image the freedom to be more than lines and shadows, overlaying layers of meaning like a play of mirrors. The aspiration of the language in gestation, akin to the forms in the images.
The kindness of imperfection, of the ephemeral, of the unfinished.
Confessions, an uncertain simulacrum in the penumbra of the blank page. Each attempt is a modest sketch of what could be and will never fully come to fruition.
«Like a little girl of pink chalk on a very old wall suddenly erased by the rain.»
A. Pizarnik
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